Re-Evaluation of my EF Reduction Goals

I was a little disappointed to find that my EF results didn't change... However, I realized that I was a bit overly confident with my reduction goals. I plan to reassess them and make them a bit more realistic and attainable.

I've been a pescatarian for nearly 7 years and one of my goals was to completely go vegetarian, meaning I would cut out white meat/fish from my diet. While cutting back on meat consumption is a great way to support the reduction of Methane gas emissions from the livestock industry, it was not as easy as I thought. Although I did not completely take out meat from my diet, I surely reduced my consumption and now I'm more aware of the consequences when I'm choosing what to eat.

Furthermore, one of my goals was to only shop organic and try my best to go to natural food markets, rather than the usual Fred Meyer or Walmart. I stuck with this for about two weeks, however my wallet was not too fond of the change... Being a frugal college student, it was not as realistic as I thought it would be. For this goal, I will reassess my budgeting skills and only shop organic when I have a surplus in my grocery budget.


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